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Samhain Unveiled 


Samhain, the most mystical and magical time of year for Wiccans, Witches and Pagans of many paths. The celebration of the New Year and Feast of the Dead, mark the basis for the festival. The modern Hallowe'en has grown from this pagan holiday. Pumpkins carved and lit to scare evil away, light the path home for loved ones who have passed to the world beyond this, along with many other modern-day traditions have their beginnings in Samhain. 

Pronounced Sa- wen, this is the time of year when the last harvest is in and the long dark learning months of winter begin. Our time of inward journeys and rest before the toils of spring planting. Keeping our bodies and spirits in tune with the rhythm of nature and all the bountiful fruits of our labor. 

Metaphorically, this can be applied to all aspects of life whether one works with nature or not. Festivals use the harvest vegetables for both feasts and decoration, brightly colored leaves and mulled wine. We set an extra place at our feast tables in honor of those loved ones we wish to return for our celebration. 

Branches Surrounding Harvest Moon
Branches - at


The veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is at its thinnest at this time, the bonds of love more keenly connecting us with those we so dearly miss. We tip our hats and goblets to the guardians of our blessings and thank the gods for our bounty. We celebrate the closing of our natural year and the beginning of our new cycle. 

A Celtic celebration, Samhain, October 31st, takes place when the sun is in Scorpio. When the dark mysteries and magic open to the added forces at work. Occult matters and the business of the dead hurry the world on the other side of the veil toward ours. Our psyches are keen, our senses alert. Our energies operate both in the natural world of harvest and thanksgiving, as well as the world of shadows and return of spirits with whom we seek contact and wisdom. 

Revel in the joyous celebrations of our New Year, laugh with friends and family, dance around the caldron and raise a goblet to welcome it in. Set a place for those who will visit, light a candle in your window to illuminate the path of the dead and sing the praises of the darkening months ahead. Now is the time to relax and feast upon the bounty of the season. A mystical, magical Samhain to you all!


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